On 23rd November 2010

Sri Sathya Sai Babafs 85th Birthday Celebrations

gYour Life is my Messageh


gSpeech is a beautiful instrument that is gifted to man for uplifting himself. Speech is charged with tremendous power. Through the choice of our words, we can communicate to a person something which upsets their balance or shocks them into grief; the words then completely drain off their physical strength and mental courage. On the other hand, when through speech, we communicate something happy, or cheer them, they get the strength of an elephant. Words do not cost anything, but they are priceless. So they have to be used with care. They must be employed not for gossip, which is barren, but for pure and productive purposes only. The ancients recommended the vow of silence in order to purify speech of its evils. h     

-Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Aum Sri Sai Ram,


With the Divine Blessings of Bhagawan, the Sai Centers and Groups of Kansai are presenting a variety of programs to celebrate the auspicious 85th birthday of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. We will gather to express our gratitude to our Divine Mother SAI through morning prayers, bhajans and an afternoon of cultural program.



Place:              The Indian Social Society, Kobe

Date:               23rd November 2010               

Time:               07:00~08:30    Omkaram, Suprabhatam, 108 names, Bhajans and Gayatri

11:00~12:30    World Peace Bhajans & Gayatri Chanting

14:00 ~ 17:30  Cultural Program in the I.S.S. Hall



Cultural Program:

·         Veda Chanting
We look forward to celebrating this occasion with you all to make it memorable.


Sai Ram.