


We celebrated our Kitakyusyu Sai group¥'s 19th anniversary at regular meeting place on 4th July.

On Sunday of 4th July, at the site of regular meeting, we celebrated our 19th anniversary. Many people had come from Kyusyu area ,Kobe and Nagoya. We could share love and joy.
Anniversary began by Om chanting and Ganapati atharva sirsam(veda). After opening greeting, our regional coordinator gave us messages. She told about circumstances of Japanese group organization and so on. Then Sai graduate, who had lived in Kitakyusyu for few years and now lives in Nagoya, gave us speech. He was saying “I talk to you many when I was in Kitakyusyu, so there¥'re nothing to speak.” But he spoke very interesting experiences again. And after that, a member of Kitakyusyu group spoke to us abouto her wonderful experiences.
And next, we do study circle on the theme of “God is”. A chairperson distributed cards to all on which Swami¥'s word was written, and each person said his and her comments and experiences about it.
Afterwards, we played “Gagendra”, which is a story in Prana literature. This is about King elephant Gagendra, who had nearly lost his life by attacking by a crocodile, but he called God¥'s name and was rescured by God himself. Swami says that unshaken Bhakthi(devotion) will achieve God¥'s grace.
After tea time, we dedicated Bhajan to Swami and we closed this anniversary by closing greeting. Bliss and joy which we shared will remain in our memory for long time.
It is very fortunate that there is Sai center or group in area. By grace of God and seva(service) of many people, it has become possible. We review past and walk step by step to the future, to strengthen human values(truth, righteous conduct, peace, love, non-violence).
