

 定例会においてスタディーサークルが行われています。スタディーサークルはSAI文献(霊性[Spirituality] と覚醒[Awakening]とインスピレーション[Inspiration]をもたらす文献)や様々な事柄を題材にして行う勉強会です。北九州グループではスワミの著書や御講話を中心に学習しています。

In the regular meeting, we do study circle. We get together in circle and study about a subject of SAI books(books which bring us Spirituality, Awakening and Inspiration) or about various spiritual theme. We use books or saying of Swami or another spiritual matter.
Each person says his or her thoughts or opinion baced on experience about the theme. Through listening another person¥'s views, we understand more about the theme.
