Osaka Sai Ladies in June 2022 大阪サイレディース6月の活動予定

▶読書会 10:00~12:00予定

「サイババ・比類なき経験」 第4回


▶大阪レディースオンライン スタディーサークル  6月9日(木) 2:00~3:30予定

・身体の病気に心を開くエクササイズ ( 書籍:「思考の力」より )


質問1 病状が話せると想像しましょう。病状はあなたのために何を伝えてくれていますか?
質問2 人々に接するとき、とりわけ自分に接するときに、慈しみ、理解、許しの気持ちがありますか?

▶読書会 10:00~12:00予定「サイババ・比類なき経験」 第5回

※ ミーティングID につきましては世話人にお尋ね下さい。

June 9]
▶Reading Session 10:00~12:00 scheduled
Sai Baba: An Unparalleled Experience, Vol. 4
Written by Phyllis Krystal

✢Ganapati Prarthana
✢Prayer for World Peace and Harmony
1 minute of silent prayer
✢Shanti Mantra
✢Share your thoughts

▶Osaka Ladies’ Online Study Circle: Thursday, June 9, 2:00~3:30 p.m.

Exercise to open your mind to physical illness ( from the book “The Power of Thought” )

See illness not against you, but for you, as a “gift of love” that teaches you how to be more loving.

Question 1: Imagine that you can talk about your medical condition. What does your medical condition tell you for you?
Question 2 When you treat people, especially yourself, do you feel compassion, understanding, and forgiveness?
Do you put anything before love?

June 23]
▶Reading Session 10:00~12:00 (tentative)

Sai Baba: An Unparalleled Experience” 5th
Written by Phyllis Krystal

Please ask the sponsor for the meeting ID.